February Monthly Treasure: Unbreakable In Uncertain Times
Can we just take a moment to acknowledge that life has been a lot (or as they say; life has been lifing) this past month?
These past few weeks have been a reminder that we are living in uncertain times. So much is shifting around us—changes in the world, in our communities, even in our personal lives. It can feel unsettling, even overwhelming at times. You may be feeling anxious about what’s next, frustrated by what’s beyond your control, or simply exhausted by the weight of it all.
If that’s you, take a deep breath. You are not alone.
Uncertainty may be part of life, but here’s the truth: God is NOT unpredictable. He is steady, constant, and unchanging. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” And, we all know that how he is a perfect reflection of his father so no matter what is happening in the world, God’s love, His promises, and His plans remain firm.
Now, I know it’s not always easy to remember that when life feels uncertain. So here’s the good news: There are still things we can control like….
Choosing faith over fear
Choosing hope over despair.
Choosing to show up each day as the GEM God created us to be.
Always Remember: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! You don’t have to face life’s uncertainty by yourself. You are irreplaceable, beloved, and created to Blossom & Thrive—no matter the circumstances.
Blossom & Thrive, Simeko